ISW-NO Leviathan's Followers
Some Church of the Deep cultists have heard of a Leviathan that floats on the surface of the ocean like an iceberg, so naturally they worship it as an avatar of ice and snow. But naturally, they have no idea what 'ice and snow' truly are, considering they've never seen it before.
This stage has that periodically apply the Cold status in an area around them.
This stage has
Initial Cost - 10
Deploy Limit - 6
Emergency Ops -
All enemy units have +20% ATK, +20% DEF, and +40% Max HP
Both Originium Ice Crystals are activated
Special Terrain
name | description |
Hole | A dangerous hole in the ground. Enemies that step on it will fall to their deaths |
Stage Map

Regional Commission
For the next 4 battles, all enemies HP +30%, ATK +30%