ISW-NO Bloodline Debates
A classic debate topic in the Temple of Knowledge: How exactly did the Teekaz split off, and when in history did it happen? Scholars endlessly speculate, with new theories 'invented' from time to time.
Initial Cost - 10
Deploy Limit - 6
Emergency Ops -
All enemy units have +20% ATK and +50% Max HP
1 <Sarkaz Witherer> is replaced by 1 <Sarkaz Wither Devourer> and 4 <Infused Originium Slug>
Changes to positions of <年代之刺>
Clear Rewards
Special Terrain
name | description |
Mark of Ages | Deals 100 points of Necrosis Damage every second to all allied units within range.Ignore StealthIgnore Camouflage During King of Sarkaz's Age, prevents allies within range from manually retreating. (The source of this effect is an enemy and not environmental sources) |
Stage Map

